Monday, July 24, 2017

Everyday Adventures - Day 21 - Hubs

elusivelaurie shared on Instagram #EverydayAdventures2017
I may have misread the prompt for this adventure. 

On purpose.

I was fully aware that the prompt said "hugs", and though I did give and receive hugs that day, the thought of photographing a hug didn't appeal to me.

It wasn't just because I spent most of my day home alone, so there was little opportunity to photograph a hug. Even if I had succeeded in capturing a hug, I try not to share photos of people without their permission. Any scenario I could imagine where I was going to get a photo and permission was too weird for my taste.

That left me with, well, me. How was I going to manage to photograph a one-person hug? Even if I did manage to stage one, I don't like sharing photos of myself - I am "elusivelaurie" on Instagram for a reason. Everything about this adventure seemed like work. I wanted to play!

So play I did. I grabbed a pencil and paper and indulged in some word-play.


Hubs! Hahaha! 

I do have a strange sense of humour.  

I was able to find hubs to photograph without leaving the house. Handy, as it was pouring rain and I didn't have a car available to drive - or to photography for that matter. 

I don't know if any of the other Everyday Adventure participants noticed, or understood, what I had shared, but I managed to amuse myself. Those are the best adventures - the ones that leave me smiling. 

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