Friday, July 21, 2017

Everyday Adventures - Day 18 - Home

elusivelaurie shared on Instagram #EverydayAdventures2017
View from my kitchen window.

Home-ownership is an adventure alright. There are so many variables, and so many things to ponder...

There's the neighbours.

(Who thought it would be a good idea to give those kids whistles?)

There are chores.

(What happened to days off?)

There are little things - like the actual arrival time of the scheduled tradesperson vs. the promised arrival time of the scheduled tradesperson.

(Where is that guy?!?!)

And there are big things - like the event that necessitated the phone call to the tradesperson.

(When did the furnace stop working?)

Then there's the finances.

(How are we going to pay for this?)

Sometimes it's hard not to wonder about our choice.

(Why did we decide to do this anyway?)

But when I look out my kitchen window, and I can see across the entire valley, I'm glad we've made this house our home. 

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