Marvin spotted a bunny in the yard last week. I was too slow to get a picture of the rabbit, but I was able to get a picture of Marvin's reaction to the rabbit.
My sister thinks Marvin is saying...
I tink I saw a puddy cat. I did, I did see a puddy wait...I tink I saw a baby bunny! I did, I did see a baby bunny!!! GET OFF MY YARD!!!I didn't have the heart to tell her that he was likely disappointed that the rabbit was gone. Marvin was an outdoor cat before he came into our lives. I imagine that once upon a time he snacked on baby bunnies. I know that he's not opposed to the occasional tin of rabbit pâté.
If this isn't enough Marvin for you, you can follow him on Instagram. He's @marvinmeowmeow.
Note: I don't get anything for the links above. They're there for your information. Hope you find them useful.
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