Today I decided to mow the lawn, but first I had to pick up all the pine cones* that had dropped since the last time I mowed the lawn.
September was the last time I mowed the lawn.
There were a lot of pine cones. And that's just from the single tree in the back yard. There are two trees in the front yard. Guess what I will be doing tomorrow?
* I believe these are actually spruce cones, but you know what I mean.
The peanut gallery is reading over my shoulder and would like me to point out to you these are fir cones. I told the peanut gallery "Laurie prob doesn't give a f%$k". But he wants to participate, so I'll go with that. Oddly, fir cones are the only one i recognize/the only thing i remember from Biology 101. Probably cuz there was a "legend"/story attached to it. I found a link to the story, if you wana read it.
kitty b
The peanut gallery is right! I think I knew that at one time, but after picking up all those f%$king cones I was too tired to remember! :-)