Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Yesterday, I told you that my friend Sheron is working toward offering more online yoga classes.  Well, while I was writing that, she was making it a reality!  She now has her own YouTube channel where she has posted two videos so far.  

The first video is the one she did with our local recreation centre.  The second is one that she shot in her home studio.  

Hi Sheron!

As Sheron admits herself, the video quality isn't the best, but the audio if fine, and the content is great. As with any  fitness video, it's a good idea to watch it once before you attempt it. I watched it yesterday then I tried the class this morning. It was lovely.  It was a bit more energetic than the other yoga classes I've been choosing.  I admit that I've not completed a class that requires standing in weeks.  Still, it was a gentle class and I had no problem keeping up.  You do need to be familiar with poses like mountain and warrior, as there isn't a lot of pose description.  If you've taken yoga before, and in particular, if you've taken classes with Sheron, this could be a great class for you.

I'm looking forward to seeing what is offered next!

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