Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Patient Pages

Writing has become a big part of my distanced days.  I'm up early taking part in Firefly Creative Writing's Morning Coffee Sessions.  I journal.  I write here.  Pages and pages and pages.  This writing thing might be becoming a habit.

This week I noticed that I'm running out of pages.  The journal I ordered from our local bookstore in May is rapidly filling up.  

I considered placing another order, but I decided to support a local, budding artist instead.

One of my co-workers does amazing things with paper.  He makes adorable, complex origami figures.  He creates magnificent, three-dimensional masks from folded paper. He constructs beautiful handmade journals.  And he's still learning.  Some day I won't be able to afford his work.  

But right now I can, so I contacted him to see if he had any journals to sell.  He did.  And in a transaction that felt vaguely illicit, I bought three.  They are now waiting patiently for my pen.  It will be hard to decide which one to fill first.

At one time I would have hesitated to mark their pages with my scribbles.  I'm beyond that now, and I'm sure my humble words will be enhanced by their beautiful new homes.

(*Note:  I don't get anything for the links above.  They're there for your information.  Hope you find them useful.)

1 comment:

    Can you share a pic of the type of paper inside too?
    wow, lovely!


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