Monday, June 8, 2020

Marvellous Marvin Monday

Marvin was in good form this week.  I sent five pictures to my sister.  Her choice:

Her thoughts:

It looks like the pillows behind his head are bunny ears and he's saying,  "Oh please. Just because you put crooked bunny ears on me, you can't make me hoppity hop into a box. I'm a sophisticated cat not a cute little bunny, I don't hippity hop, I gracefully lunge into a box, like a prima ballerina, WHEN I want to jump in a box."

Her thoughts are fairly close to reality.  Marvin sniffed at the box, then ignored it.  Of all the cats we've had in our home, he's the least interested in boxes.  His lack of enthusiasm is practically un-catlike.

If this isn't enough Marvin for you, you can follow him on Instagram.  He's @marvinmeowmeow.  

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