Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Anna Karenina

This photo is in no way related to today's post.  I just thought the camera's interpretation of the colour was cool.

Yesterday I admitted I haven't read Anna Karenina.  Today I was shamed into challenged to read it.  I really need to be more careful about what I share here!

Among other things, I was told that Anna Karenina "has a quick interesting story and capsule of Russian history. It will be a perfect build up for "War and Peace"...and then they dramatized it with Granchester's vicar as Prince Bolkonski - thrilling!"

I'm afraid to admit I have no idea what that last bit means, and I certainly won't have time to look into it.  I've discovered that Anna Karenina is "a complex novel in eight parts, with more than a dozen major characters, it is spread over more than 800 pages (depending on the translation and publisher), typically contained in two volumes."*

I'm already in over my head and I haven't even started reading.

*from Wikipedia


  1. HA HA HA! I mean, wow, Good for you Laurie! What an adventure you will have!
    p.s. awesome pic!
    kitty b

    1. Hahahaha! That adventure has been cancelled. The library copy won't download onto my e-reader. At some point, I'm sure a copy will fall into my hands. Until then, there are other adventures to be had. Like grocery shopping.

    2. Yay! I mean, Oh too bad.


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