More photos from our west coast of the west coast adventure. These ones are courtesy of Hubby. We were barely into Avatar Grove when I realized it was too gloomy for my iPhone's capabilities. I also realized that I was going to need my hands for balance. And for swatting at oversized, yet strangely non-biting, mosquitoes. The iPhone went back in my pack and stayed there for the duration of the hike. I was particularly relieved that it was safely stowed when, on leaving the forest, I noticed a spider dangling from the brim of my hat. Serious arm-flailing ensued. I think I scared the couple arriving as much as the spider scared me.
Still, arachnophobic panic aside, the forest was beautiful and awe-inspiring. I could easily imagine the Na'vi living on the other side of the mist.
Have a great week all! Sending you warm thoughts wherever you are! (And to those of you living in lands experiencing overwhelming summer, I send cool, misty thoughts!)
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