Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tiny Pleasures 2017 - Week 1

On Friday I woke up early, had a quick coffee, drove Hubby to work, returned home and returned to bed. Nothing out of the ordinary there.  A typical Friday morning at Elusive Onions Headquarters. When I got up a couple of hours later everything was covered in snow.  Gah!

The shock of the sudden change in weather required a second cup of coffee. I hunkered down on the sofa with my mug and my blankie.  It was a perfect opportunity to visit some of my favourite spots on the interwebs.

Eventually I landed at Rowdy Kittens and discovered that Tammy had invited her readers to join her in a month of savouring, and sharing, tiny pleasures. She had even provided a list of prompts as a guide.  Even though I was already a couple days behind, I decided to jump right in.


Day 1: Your morning view. (Top left)

That is the view that prompted the second cup of coffee, so I guess you can say that this view led me to finding, and taking on, the Tiny Pleasures Challenge.

Day 2: A cup of coffee/tea (Middle right)

Later in the day I met a friend at Mud Sharks for a coffee.  I briefly explained to the barista why I wanted a photogenic beverage, and asked for the "prettiest" drink on the menu. He took great care in preparing my spicy mocha. He discarded his first attempt.  It must not have been ready for its close up.    I was so touched that I almost forgot to tip him.  Almost.

Day 3: Freshly made bed (Lower right)

This is one of the reasons why I'm enjoying this challenge.  I don't think I've ever taken the time to enjoy my bed when it's freshly made.  I usually just throw it together and go.  It was nice to pause for a moment and appreciate this tiny pleasure.

Day 4: Sunrise (Top right)

Ummm... that is a picture of the inside of my eyelids.  I didn't get up in time to see the sunrise.  Instead I enjoyed the pleasure of sleeping in on a Saturday.

Day 5: Sunset (Bottom left)

The snow continued through the weekend. I knew that the sun would set, but I also knew that there wouldn't really be a "sunset" - more of a gradual greying into darkness. Still, I set an alarm for 5:15pm so that I could be out the door to record the sun setting at 5:23pm.  I actually enjoyed being out snapping pictures.  It was so peaceful and quiet.  Quite lovely really.  

I'm also sharing these pictures over on Instagram.  I'm known as elusivelaurie in that corner of the interwebs.  

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