Sunday, September 18, 2016

Weekly West Coast 2016 - Out and About

The harvest abundance continues.  I have such generous friends. This week I received: green grapes, apples, garlic and red onions.  This made for another busy weekend in the kitchen. Apple sauce is cooling and waiting to be transferred to jars for freezing. Apple-pie ice cream is almost ready to scoop. Grape sorbet base is ready to go. Thankfully the onions and the garlic will keep, so I have time to share a few photos.

These pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago.  Even though I was busy in the kitchen then too, Hubby and I did get out for a walk at the marina.  I just hadn't had a chance to post the pictures until today.

The day was overcast and threatening rain. We noticed what we thought were raindrops hitting the water, though we weren't getting wet.  Then we realized what we were seeing wasn't caused by water from above.  It was caused by jellyfish surfacing from below.  There were thousands of them.
Look closely between the pillars and you'll see a plane from CFB Comox.  
The clouds threatened, but the rain held off while we walked and snapped photos.
Do you see the seals?
They saw us, though they didn't seem bothered by our presence.  

Have a great week all! Sending you warm thoughts wherever you are!

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