Sunday, September 28, 2014

On the Rocks and On the Water

Last weekend included more active adventure than is normal for this couch potato. I've been wanting to write about it all week, but I haven't been able to lift my arms to the keyboard before today. 

OK, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but there's nothing like trying new things to help you discover muscles you never knew you had.

It started on Friday when my friend T and I headed to On the Rocks climbing gym in Campbell River. T had always wanted to try climbing, and as she was kind enough to share a gift certificate with me, I was more than willing to tag along. 

T took to climbing like she'd been doing it all her life. I took to it like someone who spends a lot of time reading. Still, I had an amazing time. I'd certainly do it again, but I think I need to work on upper body strength first. And balance. And core strength. And convincing my arms, legs and brain to work together...

I love how my rented climbing shoes match my outfit. If you can't be physically coordinated you should at least be colour coordinated!

Not hanging there like a big salami! Go me!

 By Sunday I had recovered enough for paddle boarding. Once again my access to adventure was due to the generosity of friends. L and L were kind enough to allow me to use the boards they brought to the beach. 

Notice how in my case it's not "stand-up paddle boarding". I have yet to attain "stand up" status. My first attempt earlier in the summer ended in a splash. As I was still rather stiff from climbing, I wasn't sure I'd be able to hoist myself back on the board if I fell off this time. Still, in spite of the lack of vertical achievement, I had a wonderful time. My aching shoulders actually felt better after a couple of cruises around the lagoon. 

I'm on the right. Not standing up. 

It's taken me almost 50 years, but I'm starting to realize that being active can be enjoyable. You just have to choose the right activity. And have friends who are willing to share the adventure!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Not A Real Green Dress

Was browsing the sale rack at be clothing when I spotted this dress by We3.

I wasn't really looking for a green dress. I wasn't sure I wanted a green dress. The store owner thought it was blue. I wasn't sure I wanted a blue dress either. She thought we could settle on teal, but I tolerated teal the last time around. (Was that the 80's? The 90's? I don't pay attention.) I refuse to do teal again. We decided to settle on "not a real green dress". 

It's Canadian-made, washable and comfortable. The belt can be tied in a number of different ways. It's a no-brainer on days when outfit planning fails. I can't ask for much more than that, though I wouldn't mind a tree fort in our yard.

Joining Patti and the not-so-barenaked ladies over at Not Dead Yet Style for Visible Monday. Hope you'll head over and check out the fun!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

For What It's Worth

Elusive Onions is a labour of love. Or maybe lunacy. Any reward I've received from my work here is of the intangible variety. I've never received cash, or gifts. Heck, when once upon a time I held a contest I provided my own prize. So imagine my surprise when I stumbled on a website that put a dollar value on my blog.

Apparently, Elusive Onions is worth $765.47*. 

(The asterisk leads to a footnote that refers to a disclaimer that, if I'm reading the legalese correctly, says that the information provided should under no circumstances be taken seriously for any purpose.)

I was kind of shocked that anyone would go to the trouble of appraising my wee corner of the interwebs. I was also shocked at how little 6 years of writing is apparently worth. Such well-crafted stories and beautiful photography should be worth much more than that, shouldn't it?

Some other interesting facts gleaned from the URLmetrics website:
  • Elusive Onions is ranked 10,650,967 in the United States. It has no worldwide ranking.
  • There are less than 300 monthly visits
  • Topics: Balls (Cashew-Date Laurie Balls, cashews and dates)
  • Lots of other techie gibberish I don't understand.
These stats are bizarre, and rather funny. I wrote about balls once. That was three years ago, but apparently that's what get's you noticed on the world wide web! 

I actually don't know why I write here. For the most part I write for myself. It's never been for money, though if someone offered me cash with no strings attached, I probably wouldn't say no. 

Writing here is a hobby.  There are stranger hobbies to have. (Yes, all you spoon collectors, I'm talking about you!)

Writing here is my way of challenging myself. Of forcing myself outside of my comfort zone. Of being scared and being OK with it. It's my version of parkour. I can't imagine being any more frightened jumping from roof-top to roof-top than I was when I shared my first post, or the first photo of myself, or my sketchbook drawings.

Writing here is me shouting from our dust speck that I'm here! I'm here! I'M HERE!

Glad you are too!