Sunday, August 10, 2014

"No- Brainer"

At the beginning of the month une femme d'un certain âge shared her version of a "no-brainer" outfit. This is one of mine: 

This is the outfit I choose when I don't want to think about what to wear. It's super-comfy. Two of the pieces are Canadian-made. It doesn't require ironing. Or planning. I can choose to accessorize. Or not. It works for all the climbing, crouching, shifting, lifting, standing, reaching tasks I do at work. It works equally well for a waterfront walk and a lunch date with Hubby. And it's all washable should my lunch land on my lap. Not that that ever happens. Much. 

Linking up with Patti and the ever-stylish team over at Not Dead Yet Style for Visible Monday. Go check out the fun!


  1. Wonderful go-to look, Laurie. Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, xo.

  2. So, far I really love the no brainer outfits...this is something I would wear!!

    1. Thanks Pam! My only problem with my no-brainer outfits is remembering that the elements can be worn with other items!

  3. I could use a few more outfits like that - effortlessly elegant. I'm spending my days in the same baggy shorts (not that there's anything wrong with that).

    1. Thanks Val! I could use a few more days in baggy shorts myself!

  4. Sleek looking. For a no-brainer, it looks well planned, which you just did in advance. There's some serious virtue in that, of course. Pretty you in it ... way flattering on you, too. This photo should be a reminder to you not to hide your curves!

    1. Thanks Jan! I generally don't consciously try to hide my curves, though years of conditioning might be leaking through at a subconscious level. Something to ponder!

  5. Dr. Who on Saturday night! Can't wait.

    1. I know! We have the option to go see it at the theatre here. Still considering it. We might want to celebrate the new Dr. with a glass of wine. Don't think the ushers would approve!

  6. At work you always look like the person in charge
    by the way you dress.
    very hip, yet professional.

    1. Thanks! I think. The in charge comment concerns me. Wouldn't want anyone to think that!


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